Tuesday, August 29, 2017

NYXIA by Scott Reintgen

Nyxia (The Nyxia Triad #1)

Emmett Atwater isn't just leaving Detroit; he's leaving Earth. Why the Babel Corporation recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on their contract has him boarding their lightship and hoping to return to Earth with enough money to take care of his family.


Before long, Emmett discovers that he is one of ten recruits, all of whom have troubled pasts and are a long way from home. Now each recruit must earn the right to travel down to the planet of Eden--a planet that Babel has kept hidden--where they will mine a substance called Nyxia that has quietly become the most valuable material in the universe.

But Babel's ship is full of secrets. And Emmett will face the ultimate choice: win the fortune at any cost, or find a way to fight that won't forever compromise what it means to be human.

What I thought:

This book started out slow for me. A dozen plus names in the span of a few chapters and not much happening and I almost DNFed it. Then the action started and carried me along. There is a lot to like here. I'm all in for contests and rivalry, and that the game changes along the way certainly upped the tension. I loved the diversity. I wish I connected more with the MC. Sometimes he felt a little flat, but overall a really good story and I will definitely pick up the next book in the series to see what happens next. 
Rating: **** (4 stars)
*I received an eARC of this title from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Have you read Nyxia? Had you heard of it before? What are you reading? What are you dying to get your hands on next? I love comments and you can always find me on twitter @chellypike!

What I'm reading next


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